- On 3 July 2023, during the 12th meeting of the Rector's Advisory Board, the Vice-rector for International Relations and Marketing, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, informed the Board about the continuing activity regarding the HR Excellence in Research – HRS4R Award for UNIZA. Rector's Advisory Board approved the composition of the HRS4R working group, namely its members: Vice-rectors Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD and Prof. Ing. Pavol Rafajdus, PhD, together with Vice-deans for Science and Research of individual faculties, as well as other members.
- On 3 August 2023, the rector of UNIZA appointed the members of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R.
- On 4 August 2023, a meeting of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R took place, in the presence of Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, Prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD and Ing. Veronika Kunová, together with the research and development task coordinator, Ing. Veronika Pirošík Mešková. This meeting aimed to set the deadline for the official subscription to the initiative, to distribute the processing of the HRS4R employee survey results, to propose other members of the UNIZA working group for HRS4R, in addition to the members proposed by the Rector's Advisory Board, and to determine further steps.
- On 8 August 2023, UNIZA officially subscribed to the Charter & Code principles and sent the notification to the European Commission regarding the start of the Strategy implementation process.
- On 27 September 2023, the rector of UNIZA appointed the members of the UNIZA working group for HRS4R.
- The first meeting of members of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R and UNIZA working group for HRS4R took place on 27 September 2023 in the University Centre Zuberec.
- A draft version of the GAP Analysis was opened for comments on 28 September 2023.
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