UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre
Everyone can benefit from support and guidance in achieving their academic, professional or personal goals, as well as in overcoming difficult emotions or situations.
The UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre provides free basic support, development and counselling services for all students and employees of the University of Žilina.
All services are provided in the Slovak language. Upon request, it is also possible to provide consultations in a foreign language, according to current possibilities.
The main principle of our work is respect for the uniqueness of each life story. The dialogue is focused on the needs and experiences of each client with the aim of gaining balance and personality development.
Our Services
Our Activities in Numbers
The numbers as of 31 July 2024
How to proceed when you want to use the services of the centre?
On our website, you can select the type of advisory activity you would like to use. Next, you can contact the centre via email: michaela.ziakova@uniza.sk If you are interested in counselling in a language other than Slovak, the counsellor will address the available options and subsequently, inform you about the next procedure and the counselling appointment. The counselling session will take place individually, anonymously, discreetly and free of charge.
University team of counsellors

Career Counsellor
Ing. Lucia Nesselmannová
Miestnosť: AA022
tel.: +421 41 513 5072
e-mail: lucia.nesselmannova@uniza.sk

Psychological counsellor, Coordinator of psychological counselling
Mgr. Michaela Žiaková
Miestnosť: AA022
tel.: +421 41 513 5073
mob.: +421 918 513 952
e-mail: michaela.ziakova@uniza.sk

Psychological counsellor
Mgr. PhDr. Eva Škorvagová, PhD.
Miestnosť: AC211
tel.: +421 41 513 6398
e-mail: eva.skorvagova@fhv.uniza.sk

Psychological counsellor
Mgr. Valéria Moricová, PhD.
Miestnosť: MA403
tel.: +421 41 513 6731
e-mail: valeria.moricova@fbi.uniza.sk

Psychological counsellor
Mgr. Peter Seemann, PhD.
He offers psychological consultations also in English.
Miestnosť: BF339
tel.: +421 41 513 3226
e-mail: peter.seemann@fpedas.uniza.sk
Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: PhDr. Renáta Švarcová / +421 41 513 5151 / renata.svarcova@rekt.uniza.sk