Human resources strategy for research

The University of Žilina is applying for the “HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH” Award
In 2017, the University of Žilina (hereinafter referred to as “UNIZA”) officially subscribed to the principles of The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, with the incentive of obtaining the HR Excellence in Research Award. By accepting these principles, the University of Žilina is obliged to strive for favourable working conditions, professional development and an ethical recruitment process of researchers.
The European Commission shall grant this Award, together with the HR Excellence in Research logo, to the research institutions implementing the human resource strategy. So far, the “HR Excellence in Research” Award has been granted to more than 700 European institutions..
The Process of Obtaining the HR Award
What Steps Have Been Taken?
Steering committee and working group for HRS4R
The Human Resources Strategy for Researchers serves as a tool for better implementation of the principles found in the Charter & Code. This Strategy offers a detailed process that enables organisations to include the principles found in those documents in the HR day-to-day operations, which improves the conditions for their development and management.
During the HRS4R implementation, the institutions undergo a structured process, which includes the self-assessment of internal policies and procedures concerning HR, the development of an action plan addressing any shortcomings or areas for improvement and a subsequent external assessment of progress. This assessment is conducted by an impartial group of professionals from the European Commission. If the institution fulfils all requirements, it is presented with the "HR Excellence in Research” logo, which can be later used to emphasize the institution’s commitment to establishing fair and transparent recruitment and assessment procedures for researchers.
How shall the HR Award contribute to the University?
- Preparing the basis for an inspiring and supportive environment for researchers and changes in the working culture.
- Joining the true Pan-European network of researchers and research organisations.
- Showing the respect and care for our researchers.
- Proving our interest in the support and development of researchers’ careers.
- Increasing the University's reputation and its appeal for future employees.
- Gaining international appeal, recognition and inclusion among HR Award-winning institutions.
The Process of Obtaining the HR Award
1. Start of Process Notification
The first step is the subscription to the Charter & Code principles and sending the notification to the European Commission regarding the start of the Strategy implementation process.
Sending of the notification marks the start of a one-year period, during which UNIZA prepares the Action Plan of HRS4R implementation.
2. Initial Phase
During the initial phase, the University shall work on three documents, subsequently submitted for the approval of the European Commission. The above-mentioned documents are:
- Comparative Analysis (GAP analysis. Here, UNIZA compares the current state with 40 Charter & Code principles, divided into 4 areas (ethical and professional perspective, recruitment of new employees, working conditions and social security, education and training).
- So-called „OTMR checklist“ – a verification list following the fulfilment of principles regarding open, transparent and merit-oriented recruitment.
- Action Plan – here, UNIZA proposes specific steps to address the shortcomings identified by the comparative analysis. The action plan must include specific tasks and the relevant responsible persons, a time frame for tasks’ completion and a description of outputs for each task.
The importance lies not only within the documents but also within the process, by which they were created. The University needs to set up a steering committee responsible for the strategic regulation and monitoring of the whole process, as well as a working group, responsible for the process implementation.
The involvement of all stakeholder groups (academic and non-academic staff, researchers at all career stages, etc.) is also crucial.
The Gap Analysis, together with the OTM-R checklist and the Action Plan shall be uploaded directly into the online form.
3. Assessment and Award Granting
The submitted documents are assessed by a group of external experts. The results of the assessment should be available to UNIZA within the first two months after the online submission. The assessment may result in three different ways:
- Accepted without objections: The institution enters the implementation phase of the action plan. Once the plan is accepted, the institution may also use the HRS4R logo in its advertising.
- Accepted pending minor modifications: In this case, the submitted documents contain minor shortcomings, that can be addressed by the institution.
- Declined: Should the assessors find major shortcomings, not only in the overall content of the documents but also within the process of their preparation (e.g. absence of stakeholders), the assessment shall be declined. In such a case, the institution has to implement the entire Strategy preparation process again.
4. Implementation of the Strategy
Should the University of Žilina acquire the HRS4R Award, it will gradually implement the measures set out in the action plan.
Two years after obtaining the Award, UNIZA shall assess the fulfilment of the plan, along with the possible need for its revision.
After another three years, external assessors shall visit UNIZA to evaluate the implementation of the Strategy directly on-site and decide whether the Award will be retained.
And yet, the Strategy implementation is not over – the assessment process is repeated every three years.
As can be seen, the Human Resources Strategy is not a one-time activity, but the beginning of a long-term process, that shall one day result in a more favourable and attractive working environment that enables researchers to achieve their full professional development and conduct cutting-edge research.
Graphical representation of the award-granting process

What Steps Have Been Taken?
Informing the Rector's Advisory Board about the aim to gain the HRS4R Award
- On 3 July 2023, during the 12th meeting of the Rector's Advisory Board, the Vice-rector for International Relations and Marketing, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, informed the Board about the continuing activity regarding the HR Excellence in Research – HRS4R Award for UNIZA. Rector's Advisory Board approved the composition of the HRS4R working group, namely its members: Vice-rectors Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD and Prof. Ing. Pavol Rafajdus, PhD, together with Vice-deans for Science and Research of individual faculties, as well as other members.
- On 3 August 2023, the rector of UNIZA appointed the members of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R.
- On 4 August 2023, a meeting of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R took place, in the presence of Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, Prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD and Ing. Veronika Kunová, together with the research and development task coordinator, Ing. Veronika Pirošík Mešková. This meeting aimed to set the deadline for the official subscription to the initiative, to distribute the processing of the HRS4R employee survey results, to propose other members of the UNIZA working group for HRS4R, in addition to the members proposed by the Rector's Advisory Board, and to determine further steps.
- On 8 August 2023, UNIZA officially subscribed to the Charter & Code principles and sent the notification to the European Commission regarding the start of the Strategy implementation process.
- On 27 September 2023, the rector of UNIZA appointed the members of the UNIZA working group for HRS4R.
- The first meeting of members of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R and UNIZA working group for HRS4R took place on 27 September 2023 in the University Centre Zuberec.
- A draft version of the GAP Analysis was opened for comments on 28 September 2023.
1. Start of the Employee Survey
An anonymous survey was launched for university teachers, researchers and PhD students to determine the current situation at UNIZA concerning compliance with the principles of The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers at UNIZA. The survey also incorporates questions regarding employee satisfaction, motivation, and awareness. The survey was prepared in both Slovak and English language. Link
2. Appointment of the UNIZA Steering Committee for HRS4R
On 4 August 2023, the rector appointed the HRS4R steering committee
the chairman of the steering committee Vice-rector for International Relations and Marketing – Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.
members of the steering committee
Vice-rector for Science and Research – Prof. Ing. Pavol Rafajdus, PhD.
Head of the International Research Projects Department – EraDiate – Prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD.
Head of Personnel and Social Work Department – Ing. Veronika Kunová
secretary: Ing. Veronika Pirošík Mešková
minutes clerk: Mag. pol. Marcela Barčáková, PhD. / Mgr. Lenka Buchová
3. Applying for the Initiative
On 8 August 2023, UNIZA officially subscribed to the Charter & Code principles and sent the notification to the European Commission regarding the start of the Strategy implementation process. Sending of the notification marks the start of a one-year period, during which UNIZA prepares the Action Plan of HRS4R implementation..
4. Appointment of the UNIZA Working Group for HRS4R
On 27 September 2023, the rector of UNIZA appointed the members of the UNIZA working group for HRS4R:
Prof. Ing. Jozef Gašparík, PhD, MBA – Vice-dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications
assoc. Prof. PaedDr. Peter Hockicko, PhD – Vice-dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
assoc. Prof. Ing. Matúš Kováč, PhD – Vice-dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Civil Engineering
assoc. Prof. Ing. Miroslav Kvaššay, PhD – Vice-dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Management Science and Informatics
Prof. Ing. Tomáš Loveček, PhD – Vice-dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Security Engineering
Mgr. Jakub Švec, PhD – Vice-dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Humanities
Prof. Ing. Eva Tillová, PhD – Vice-dean for Science and Research at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
5. First Meeting of the UNIZA Working Group for HRS4R and UNIZA Steering Committee for HRS4R
The first meeting of members of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R and the UNIZA working group for HRS4R took place on 27 September 2023 in the University Centre Zuberec. The chairman of the steering committee, Vice-rector for International Relations and Marketing – Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD introduced the philosophy, objectives and outputs of HRS4R. He also clarified the procedure for obtaining the HRS4R Award, as well as individual steps that UNIZA has already implemented. The members of the working group were provided with an explanation of the purpose and output of the employee survey aimed at university teachers, researchers and PhD students. Additionally, tasks were set for the following period.
6. Design of the Draft of the Comparative Analysis (GAP Analysis)
On 28 September 2023, the members of the steering committee and working group were presented with the draft of the Comparative analysis – GAP analysis. Here, UNIZA compares the current state with 40 Charter & Code principles, divided into 4 areas (ethical and professional perspective, recruitment of new employees, working conditions and social security, education and training). The members were asked to give comments and suggestions.
7. Meeting of the UNIZA Steering Committee for HRS4R
A meeting of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R members took place on 23 October 2023. The Time schedule of activities needed to obtain the HRS4R Award was approved. Each member of the working group and steering committee shall have access to the shared document to process, comment on and complete the GAP analysis. Deadline: 30 November 2023. This will be followed by joint meetings, aimed at its overall completion. UNIZA OTMR – checklist will be processed continuously. Each member can provide his/her comment, as well as make use of the shared document and propose additional members for sufficient representation of the R1-R4 researchers. The chairman of the steering committee, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, has emphasized, that the senior staff of UNIZA and its faculties need to discuss the HRS4R philosophy and objectives among the UNIZA employees. The members of the committee agreed on a uniform template of the information that our employees can use when applying for projects regarding the start of the implementation process of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers at UNIZA.
Template of the UNIZA involvement in HRS4R projects
Time schedule of activities needed to obtain the HRS4R Award
8. Joint Work Meeting of the UNIZA HRS4R Steering Committee and Working Group
On 8 December 2023, the members of the UNIZA steering committee and working group for HRS4R had a work meeting, discussing the draft of the GAP analysis. The meeting began with the review of individual tasks. The main point of the agenda was the completion of the GAP analysis for HRS4R, followed by a broader discussion regarding the individual questions of the GAP analysis. Possible answers/solutions were also suggested. The aim is to complete the GAP analysis by the end of February 2024. Each member of the working group and steering committee has access to the shared document, OTMR – checklist, for processing, commenting or providing suggestions. The chairman of the steering committee, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD emphasized the necessity to continuously inform employees and PhD students about the philosophy and objectives of HRS4R. Lastly, further steps and tasks within the timetable to obtain the HRS4R Award were presented. The next joint meeting is planned for March 2024.
9. Appointing new members of the UNIZA working group for HRS4R
On 28 March 2024, the rector of UNIZA appointed new members of the UNIZA working group for HRS4R:
doc. JUDr. Ing. Alena Novák Sedláčková, PhD. - FPEDAS
Ing. Miroslav Jančula, PhD. - SvF
Ing. Denisa Straková, PhD. - SjF
Ing. Štefan Hardoň, PhD. - FEIT
Ing. Lucia Hrebeňárová, PhD. - UCV
Ing. Daša Smrčková - SvF
Ing. Soňa Masarovičová, PhD. - SvF
doc. Ing. Andrea Kociánová, PhD. - SvF
Ing. Eva Malichová, PhD. - FRI
doc. Ing. Eva Nedeliaková, PhD. - FPEDAS
Ing. Milan Dedík, PhD. - FPEDAS
Ing. Radoslava Nichtová - FPEDAS
Ing. Andrea Čorejová - CTT
Ing. Katarína Kaduchová, PhD. - SjF
Ing. Michal Ballay, PhD. - FBI
10. Joint business meeting of the UNIZA steering committee and working group for HRS4R
10 April 2024 saw a business meeting of the UNIZA steering committee and working group for HRS4R, aimed to welcome new members of the working group. At the beginning, the chairman of the steering committee, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, gave a brief explanation of the overall concept and individual steps that need to be taken in order to obtain the prestigious award HR Excellence in Research, which was followed by inspection of respective tasks. The main point of the agenda was the completion of the GAP Analysis for HRS4R, followed by a broad discussion regarding each of the GAP Analysis questions. Possible answers were suggested. All members of the working group and the steering committee were asked to comment on the OTMR – Checklist document, available with the rest of the documentation in their shared files. The chairman of the steering committee reiterated the need to keep the employees and PhD students informed about the philosophy and objectives of HRS4R – a fact that shall be further presented on the TV screen throughout the university. Lastly, the further steps and tasks involved in the schedule to obtain the HRS4R were presented. The date for the next joint meeting is June 2024.
Presentation: Informing the employees about UNIZA's initiative to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award
11. Work meeting of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R
On 3 July 2024, a meeting of the UNIZA steering committee for HRS4R took place. The review of individual tasks followed the introductory welcome. The main point of the agenda was completing the GAP analysis and OTMR checklist and finalising them for English translation, which was followed by a broad discussion. During the meeting, the head of the HR Department, Veronika Kunová, presented how the HRS4R is communicated via the internal journal Spravodajca (The Reporter), via all digital screens in common UNIZA areas and through the faculties' advisory boards. She also informed that UNIZA has become a part of EURAXESS centres, which will improve awareness, along with working conditions and at the same time simplify the arrival of foreign employees to UNIZA. For this purpose, a subpage on the UNIZA website was created EURAXESS Center ( In July, the results of the employee survey, implemented to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award and collect information on employee satisfaction, will be published. Employee notifications - All documents ( Ing. Kunová was tasked with preparing an initial draft of the Action Plan along with related statistics and documents. It is vital to also include all shortcomings discovered in the GAP Analysis and OTMR checklist. All members of the working group and steering committee shall have access to the documents, so they can give their comments. Finally, further steps and tasks regarding the schedule to obtain the HR Excellence in Research Award were presented. The next joint meeting is planned for September 2024.
12. Joint work meeting of the UNIZA HRS4R steering committee a working group
On 16 September 2024, a work meeting of the Steering Committee members and Working Group members took place. Its participants could attend the meeting in person, or online. At the beginning, the chairman of the steering committee, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, summarised the current status of documents in development needed to complete the implementation phase and inspected the tasks assigned at the previous meetings. The main goal was the completion of the Action Plan in accordance with the UNIZA Long-term Plan 2021–2027. This was followed by a broad discussion concerning individual suggested goals and Action Plan indicators, as well as its harmonisation with GAP analysis and OTMR checklist. At the end, the last Steering Committee meeting of the implementation phase was agreed for 26 September 2024, to finalise all materials, prepare them for final English translation and then upload them to EURAXESS website by 12 October 2024.
13. Joint work meeting of the Steering Committee for HRS4R
On 26 September 2024, a work meeting of the Steering Committee for HRS4R members took place. At the beginning, the chairman of the Steering Committee, Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD, summarised the current status of documents in development needed to complete the implementation phase and presented the meeting objectives. This was followed by a broad discussion. The results were the harmonisation of the Action Plan with the UNIZA Long-term Plan for 2021-2027, and commenting on all documents related to the implementation phase, that being the process of engagement of individual research groups, the overview of current UNIZA strengths and weaknesses within the four thematic areas of the Charter and Code, a short description of UNIZA's profile, selected UNIZA economic indicators and description of OTM–R policy of open, transparent and merit-based recruitment.
The meeting has resulted in the completion of all the materials, which will be prepared for final translation into English and uploaded to the EURAXESS website by 12 October 2024.
Steering committee and working group for HRS4R
1. Steering committee UNIZA for HRS4R
the chairman of the steering committee Vice-rector for International Relations and Marketing – Prof. Ing. Jozef Ristvej, PhD.
members of the steering committee
Vice-rector for Science and Research – Prof. Ing. Pavol Rafajdus, PhD.
Head of the International Research Projects Department – EraDiate – Prof. Ing. Tatiana Kováčiková, PhD.
Head of Personnel and Social Work Department – Ing. Veronika Kunová
secretary: Ing. Veronika Pirošík Mešková
minutes clerk: Mag. pol. Marcela Barčáková, PhD. / Mgr. Lenka Buchová
2. Working group UNIZA for HRS4R
prof. Ing. Jozef Gašparík, PhD., MBA - FPEDAS
doc. PaedDr. Peter Hockicko, PhD. - FEIT
doc. Ing. Matúš Kováč, PhD. - SvF
doc. Ing. Miroslav Kvaššay, PhD. – FRI
prof. Ing. Tomáš Loveček, PhD. - FBI
Mgr. Jakub Švec, PhD. - FHV
prof. Ing. Eva Tillová, PhD. – SjF
doc. JUDr. Ing. Alena Novák Sedláčková, PhD. - FPEDAS
Ing. Miroslav Jančula, PhD. - SvF
Ing. Denisa Straková, PhD. - SjF
Ing. Štefan Hardoň, PhD. - FEIT
Ing. Lucia Hrebeňárová, PhD. - UCV
Ing. Daša Smrčková - SvF
Ing. Soňa Masarovičová, PhD. - SvF
doc. Ing. Andrea Kociánová, PhD. - SvF
Ing. Eva Malichová, PhD. - FRI
doc. Ing. Eva Nedeliaková, PhD. - FPEDAS
Ing. Milan Dedík, PhD. - FPEDAS
Ing. Radoslava Nichtová - FPEDAS
Ing. Andrea Čorejová - CTT
Ing. Katarína Kaduchová, PhD. - SjF
Ing. Michal Ballay, PhD. - FBI
Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: Ing. Veronika Kunová / +421 41 513 5115 /