Centre for psychological support
It provides basic advisory activity and basic psychologic care to students and university employees.
Its mission is to provide psychological, social counselling and intervention oriented to personality development and support in solving personal and study problems, stress situations.
Centre professionals will provide first psychological assistance, crisis intervention or recommend further professional assistance according to the severity of the problem.
We can help you with
Study problems, partnership and family problems, emotional problems, personal problems, problems in communication, identification of career choice...
Focus of activity of the Centre for psychological support
Crisis intervention, help with coping with mental stress, development of personality growth, counselling in the area of mental hygiene ...
Who can use the counselling?
University students in all forms of study, university employees and clients can be sporadically also persons related to the student's problem.
How to proceed when I need support
1st step
First contact counselling is provided by the AA016 office. Contact us personally, by phone or e-mail to a professional consultant for first contact.
2nd step
Do not be afraid to directly contact a consulting psychologist or professional consultant (by phone or e-mail) and arrange an appointment. We are here for you.
3rd step
Appointment will be held individually and discreetly. Consultancy relationship is characterized by an openness and a high degree of trust.
We normally go to a doctor with a broken hand so it is normal to visit a psychologist with a broken heart
Come when you need it, do not wait till it disappears or you will feel better
Please observe the people around you and bring them if they need a help

Career consultant

Psychological consultant, coordinator of psychological counseling
Mgr. Michaela Žiaková
Room: AA022
tel.: +421 41 513 5073
mob.: +421 918 513 952
e-mail: michaela.ziakova@uniza.sk

Professional consultant for first contact
PhDr. Katarína Gažová
Department for Education
Room: AA016
tel.: +421 41 513 5038
e-mail: katarina.gazova@uniza.sk / cpp@uniza.sk

Mgr. Valéria Moricová, PhD.
Faculty of Security Engineering
Department of Crisis Management
Room: MA412
tel.: +421 41 513 6731
e-mail: valeria.moricova@fbi.uniza.sk

Consulting psychologist
Mgr. PhDr. Eva Škorvagová, PhD.
Faculty of Humanities
Department of Pedagogical Studies
Room: AC211
tel.: +421 41 513 6379
e-mail: eva.skorvagova@fhv.uniza.sk

Consulting psychologist, psychotherapist, professional coach
Mgr. Peter Seemann, PhD.
Faculty of Operation and Economics of Transport and Communications
Department of Economics
Room: BD339
tel.: +421 41 513 3226
e-mail: peter.seemann@fpedas.uniza.sk
Person responsible for the content of the current subpage: PhDr. Renáta Švarcová / +421 41 513 5151 / renata.svarcova@rekt.uniza.sk