Internal Assessment Report of the Study Programme

Name of the higher education institution: University of Žilina
New name of the Study Programme: Civil Engineering Structures
Old name of the Study Programme: Civil Engineering
Degree of the study: 1.

I. Self-assessment of Standard 2 – Proposal of a new study programme and a proposal of a study programme modification

SP 2.1. The proposal of a new study programme or a modification of the study programme is elaborated and submitted by the formalized processes of the internal quality assurance system of higher education institution (hereinafter referred to as the "internal system"). If the institution does not have an internal system approved, the quality assurance rules are set out directly in a given proposal of the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

The proposed modification of the civil engineering study programme is in line with the processes of the internal quality assurance system of higher education, which is approved and implemented at UNIZA. The curriculum corresponds to current trends in education, is in line with the description of the field of study and meets the requirements of practice as well as potential employers. It corresponds to the appropriate level of the qualification framework and has a clear link to the occupational framework. The programme of study also has clearly defined objectives and learning outcomes, and UNIZA uses an appropriate range of pedagogical and assessment methods to master and demonstrate these.

Proposal to change the name of the SP:

The Board of Guarantors agreed with the change of the study programme name from "Civil Engineering" to "Civil Engineering Structures (abbreviation: CES)", which more accurately describes the real focus of the SP, better describes the profile of the graduate and, last but not least, aligns the name with the follow-up study programme at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA at the engineering degree level, whose name is also "Civil Engineering Structures".
The description of the study programme shows that the programme educates students with a bachelor's degree in the field of engineering structures and transport engineering. The entire curriculum structure, the profile subjects as well as the focus of the bachelor's theses have been oriented towards civil engineering structures for many years in this study programme. In terms of the division of structures according to the Building Act, these are mainly line costructions (railways, roads, motorways, etc.) and engineering structures (bridges, tunnels, industrial structures, etc.). The change of the title of this bachelor's degree programme to a title that includes the word "engineering" is thus in accordance with Article 52(6) of Act 131/2002 on Higher Education.
The change of the name of the study programme will also clarify the offer of study programmes for the students of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA and simplify their administration, since two other study programmes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA, which have both a bachelor's and an engineering degree, have identical names in both degrees of study (these are the study programmes "Buiding Structures" and "Technology and Management of Construction").

The original name of the study program "Civil Engineering" was changed to the name "Civil Engineering Structures" based on the resolution of the executive board of the Slovak Accreditation Agency for Higher Education no. VR-47/17/2022 from July 20, 2022. 
This change was preceded by the approval of the name change in the Study Program Board, in the Dean's College of the FCE UNIZA, approval by the authority from practice, in the Faculty's Board of Guarantors, in the Scientific Board of the FCE UNIZA, as well as in the UNIZA Accreditation Board.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Directive No. 222 (Internal Quality Assurance System at the University of Žilina in Žilina)

Statement of authority from practice.

SP 2.2. The study programme is elaborated following the mission and strategic goals of the institution, these are determined in a long-term plan of the institution.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme provides first degree higher education with a focus on the development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and value orientation. The study programme is developed in accordance with the Long-term Plan of UNIZA and the Long-term Plan of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. It respects the set strategic objectives in the field of education, research and science, quality assurance, international cooperation and internationalisation, technology transfer and innovation defined by both long-term plans.

References to evidence

Long-term Plan of University of Žilina for years 2021-2027

Long-term Development Plan Of Faculty of Civil Engineering for years 2021-2027

Description of the study programme.

SP 2.3. There are designated persons responsible for the deliverery, development, and quality assurance of the study programme

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme (SP) has a main guarantor and four co-guarantors with the scientific-pedagogical titles of professor or associate professor, who ensure the quality of the study programme through their long-term pedagogical and scientific-research activities. At present, two of the defined five supervising teachers are over 65 years of age. However, the staffing of the SP is sufficiently robust to ensure continuity. In addition to the five professors mentioned above, 6 other professors and associate professors provide profile courses only.

An 8-member Board of Studies is appointed for the programme in accordance with Directive No. 214. The Board of Studies thus comprises, in addition to the guarantor and co-guarantors, representatives of students, graduates and employers.

Individual lecturers are assigned in accordance with Directive No. 205.


References to evidence

Description of the programme of study:

- Staffing Scientific, artistic and pedagogical characteristics of the guarantors of the study programme (VUPCH),

- Outputs of the creative activities of the programme guarantors (VTC),

Study plans of the study programme.

Board of Study Programme


SP 2.4. Students, employers, and other stakeholders are involved in the preparation of the proposal of the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

Representatives of employers, graduates and students were involved in the preparation of the study plan modification.


References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Board of Study Programme

SP 2.5. The study programme is assigned to the field of study, the extent of its content consistency with the concerned field of study is justified. In the case of study programmes combining two fields of study or interdisciplinary studies, the study programme is assigned to the relevant fields of study and the degree of its content consistency with the relevant fields of study is justified.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme is assigned to the field of study Civil Engineering. The study plan corresponds to the description of the study field and the description of the study programme justifies the degree of its content correspondence with the study field of Civil Engineering, which is expressed by the value of 93%. The assignment to the supporting knowledge topics of the field of study is indicated in the relevant course information sheet as "core subject".

References to evidence

Description of the study programme - identification of subjects corresponding to the core of knowledge of the field of study Civil Engineering.

Study plans of the study programme.

Description of study field Civil Engineering 

SP 2.6. The study programme clearly defines and communicates the level of qualification that students acquire upon their successful completion. The qualification corresponds to the appropriate level of education under the qualifications framework.

Self-assessment of compliance

The programme of study specifies the level of qualification that students will gain on successful completion of the SP, with the qualification corresponding to the appropriate level of education according to the Qualifications Framework.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 203 - Rules for the Creation of Recommended Study Plans for UNIZA Study Programmes.

Directive No. 204 - Rules for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.


SP 2.7. The study programme clearly defines a graduate ‘s profile. Within its framework the descriptors define the learning outcomes that are verifiable and appropriate to the institution‘s mission, to the given level of the qualification framework, and to the subject field according to the relevant field of study or a combination of fields of study in which graduates obtain their higher education degree.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme specifies the profile of the graduate, while within its framework are defined and communicated learning outcomes that are verifiable and correspond to the mission of the UNIZA University, Faculty of Civil Engineering, the relevant level of the qualification framework and the field of knowledge according to the field of study Civil Engineering, in which the graduates will obtain a university education of the 1st degree.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme

Information sheets of subjects.

Central register of Final Theses (Centrálny register záverečných prác - CRZP). 

Results of state examinations.

SP 2.8. The learning outcomes and qualifications obtained by completing the study programme meet the sector-specific professional expectations for the pursuit of the profession. The study programme indicates the professions for which the acquired qualification is necessary. This is confirmed by the statements of relevant external stakeholders or by the agreement of the legal entity indicated in the description of the relevant field of study, if required by the description, or by a favorable opinion of the relevant ministry for the delivery of the study programme, in case of a state higher education institution, or in case of a qualification for the performance of regulated professions.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme indicates the professions for which the acquired qualification is required. Graduates are both prepared for a smooth transition to the second stage - engineering studies, and they can directly apply in practice as bachelors, i.e. specialists who, compared to secondary school educated workers, have a much deeper understanding of the context and theoretical basis of specific tasks and operations. The results on the application of the graduates of the study programme are described in detail in the description of the SP, together with references to the graduates' application in practice. 

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme.

Information sheets of subjects.

Statement of authority from practice.


SP 2.9. The professional content, structure, and sequence of the profile courses and other educational activities of the study programme and the conditions for successful completion of the study enable the learning outcomes specified in the graduate profile to be achieved and ensure the access to the latest knowledge, skills, and competences, including transferable competencies that affect their personal development and that can be used in their future careers and life as active citizens in democratic societies. In case of professionally oriented bachelor's degree programmes, the content of the study programme is designed to enable the achievement of the employers´ expected learning outcomes with an emphasis on the development of practical professional skills in the given sector of the economy or social practice.

Self-assessment of compliance

Study plans of the study programme are compiled in accordance with Directive No. 203 (Rules for the Creation of Recommended Study Plans for UNIZA Study Programmes) and Directive No. 204 (Rules for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina) so that the professional content, structure and sequence of profile study courses and other educational activities of the study programme and the conditions for successful completion of studies enable the achievement of the learning outcomes listed in the graduate profile. This ensures access to up-to-date knowledge, skills and competences, including transferable competences, which influence students' personal development and can be used in their future studies, career and life as active citizens of society. The specific conditions for successful completion of studies are defined in the Programme Description.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Directive No. 203 - Rules for the Creation of Recommended Study Plans for UNIZA Study Programmes.

Directive No. 204 - Rules for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 2.10. The study programme has a standard length of study, a specified workload for each study subject expressed in ECTS credits, and hours of face to face teaching, except where the nature of the educational activity does not require it. The standard length of study, workload, and hours of contact instruction allow learning outcomes to be achieved and they correspond to the form of the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme has a standard length of study of 3 years. The study programme has a specified workload for individual study subjects expressed in ECTS credits, the number of hours of contact teaching and the number of hours of independent work of the student in the programme curriculum and in the course information sheets. The defined set-up enables the achievement of learning outcomes and corresponds to the full-time form of the study programme. 

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Directive No. 203 - Rules for the Creation of Recommended Study Plans for UNIZA Study Programmes.

Directive No. 204 - Rules for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 2.11. In the case of a professionally oriented bachelor's degree programme, their content includes the compulsory professional practice of students in a contracted organization for a total of at least one semester. The practice is designed to develop practical professional skills. It enables students to undertake activities through which they acquire the work procedures typical for the relevant level of qualification and the relevant field of study. It allows students to participate in professional processes, projects and through specific tasks acquire, knowledge, skills, and competencies relevant for the respective professions. The professional practice may be carried out as continuous or divided into several shorter periods, depending on the needs of the relevant study programme and the conditions of the cooperating organization in which the professional practice takes place.

Self-assessment of compliance

It is not a professionally oriented SP.

The bachelor's study programme in question is an academically oriented study programme. Part of the study plan of this programme is a compulsory professional practice in the scope of 2 weeks. Students usually complete it in design, consulting and construction companies. Very often in partner companies that are involved in the employment of later graduates of this programme or graduates of the second level (engineering) of the study programme "Civil Engineering Structures".

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

SP 2.12. The study programme has a clearly defined level and nature of research/artistic/other activities required for the successful completion of studies, especially concerning the final thesis.

Self-assessment of compliance

The programme of study has a specified level and nature of creative activities for each subject that is required for successful completion of the study, corresponding to the Bachelor's degree. The final theses are assigned in relation to the study programme and the field of Civil Engineering. The topics of the Bachelor theses and their supervisors are listed in the Description of the study programme.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Directive No. 215 – On the Final Theses

Central register of Final Theses (Centrálny register záverečných prác - CRZP). 

II. Self-assessment of Standard 3 – Approval of the study programme

SP 3.1. The study programme is approved by the formalized processes of the internal system. The study programme assesment and its approval, involving students, employers, and other stakeholders, is guaranted to be independent, unbiased, objective, professionally based, transparent, and fair. The persons assessing and approving the study programme are guaranted to be different from the persons preparing the study programme proposal.

Self-assessment of compliance

The University of Žilina in Žilina has an Internal Quality Assurance System at the University of Žilina in Žilina (Directive No. 222), which guarantees an independent, objective, professionally informed, transparent and fair assessment of the proposal and approval of the study programme. Representatives of employers, graduates and students of UNIZA were involved in the design of the regulation. The highest decision-making body within the framework of quality assurance of higher education, accreditation of study programmes, habilitation proceedings and proceedings for the appointment of a professor at UNIZA within the meaning of Act No. 269/2018 Coll. on Quality Assurance of Higher Education is the UNIZA Accreditation Board. The procedure and rules for the approval of the proposal of a new study programme by the Accreditation Board are regulated by the internal regulation - Directive No. 210.

References to evidence

Directive No. 222 - Internal Quality Assurance System at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 213 - Quality Assurance Policies at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 210 - Statute of the Accreditation Board of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 204 - Rules for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

III. Self-assessment of Standard 4 – Student-centered learning, teaching, and assessment

SP 4.1. The rules, forms, and methods of teaching, learning, and students' assesment within the study programme enable the achievement of learning outcomes while respecting the diversity of students and their needs.

Self-assessment of compliance

For each subject of the curriculum of the study programme, the rules, forms and methods of teaching, learning and assessment of learning outcomes are specified in its subject information sheets, which enables the achievement of defined learning outcomes, while respecting the diversity of students and their needs, with a special approach to students with specific needs.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 198 - Support for Applicants for Study and Students with Special Needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 4.2. There is a flexibility in learning paths and in the achievement of learning outcomes. The study programme allows adequate education outside the university in domestic and foreign institutions, particularly through a mobility support. The results of this education are recognized by the institution.

Self-assessment of compliance

The curricula of the bachelor's degree programme in question allow for flexibility in learning trajectories through the selection of compulsory electives and elective courses. Students can profile themselves by selecting compulsory elective subjects in one of the narrower profiles of Road Engineering Structures, Railway Engineering Structures or Object of Transport Infrastructure , which will broaden their competences for the processing of profile theses and subsequently in jobs requiring specialists, or this profiling can help graduates in the study of one of the specializations of the 2nd grade of study of the study programme "Civil Engineering Structures".

In justified cases, students may apply for an individual study plan in accordance with the Study Regulations and Methodological Guidelines valid at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Students have the possibility, within the meaning of Directive No. 219, to complete part of their studies abroad through mobility within the ERASMUS+ programme or through other grant and exchange schemes. In this respect, they are provided with active support in the form of information on the university and faculty websites and in the form of coordination and advisory activities provided by the Vice-Dean for Development and International Relations and the relevant study advisor.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Methodological Guideline No. 5/2021 on the procedure for approving an individual study plan at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the University of Žilina.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina

Directive No. 219 - Mobility Programmes of UNIZA Students and Staff Abroad.

SP 4.3. The variety of forms and methods used in teaching, learning and assessing of learning outcomes stimulates students to take an active role in the process of learning and developing their academic careers. In higher education institutions, students are adequatly, and in relation to the learning outcomes and level of the qualifications framework of the study programme, involved in research/artistic/other activities.

Self-assessment of compliance

The courses in the curriculum of the programme of study use forms and methods of teaching, learning and assessment of learning outcomes that stimulate students to take an active role in the learning process and the development of their academic careers.

Students participate in the faculty and in Czech and Slovak competition of Student Scientific-Professional Motion (ŠVOČ), they are actively involved in creative and other related activities at the departments of the Faculty in the form of student scientific co-workers, they can work creatively on their own in the form of submitting a project within the UNIZA grant competition for the submission of projects by students.

The support of students of the 3rd year of the 1st stage of studies in independent creative work is also declared by the possibility of submitting a project within the UNIZA Grant Competition for submission of projects by students.

References to evidence

Information sheets of subjects of SP CE

Dean's Orders and Methodological Guidelines available at faculty's webpage.

Student Scientific-Professional Motion (ŠVOČ)

UNIZA grant competition for student submission of projects.

SP 4.4. Within the study programme a sense of autonomy, independence, and self-evaluation is reinforced, while providing adequate guidance and support by teachers based on mutual respect.

Self-assessment of compliance

The curriculum within the curriculum subjects fosters students' sense of autonomy, independence and self-assessment. Students are provided with appropriate guidance and support from teachers based on mutual respect and esteem.

Students have access to their academic advisor - each major has its own advisor. Through their representatives in the Academic Senate, they can comment on the educational and creative activities within the SP, and can communicate problems with the Education Office and the faculty administration.

The autonomy and independence of students is demonstrated in the preparation of assignments and tasks in exercises and in examinations in individual subjects. Furthermore, in the elaboration of two profile-oriented semester projects and, of course, in the elaboration of the final thesis and its subsequent defence.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Dean's Orders and Methodological Guidelines available at faculty's webpage.

Directive No. 226 - On Copyright Ethics and the Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Central register of Final Theses (Centrálny register záverečných prác - CRZP). 

SP 4.5. The study programme is delivered in a way that reinforces the internal motivation of students to continuously improve leading to the observance of principles of the academic ethics or professional ethics in the case of a professionally oriented bachelor's degree programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme is conducted in such a way that the intrinsic motivation of students to continuously improve is strengthened within each subject.

Students are guided to observe the principles of academic ethics, author ethics and elimination of plagiarism in accordance with the UNIZA Code of Ethics (Directive No. 207) and Directive No. 226 on author ethics and elimination of plagiarism.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Directive No. 207 - Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 226 - On Copyright Ethics and the Elimination of Plagiarism in the Conditions of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 4.6. The study programme has prescribed rules, criteria, and methods for the assessment of learning outcomes in the study programme that are available to the public in advance. The assessment results must be recorded, documented, and archived.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme has established and published in advance the rules, criteria and methods of assessment of learning outcomes in the study programme in the information sheet of each course. Assessment results are recorded in the UNIZA information system (AIVS), student work and outputs in individual courses are archived by the respective lecturers. Final theses are registered in the University's Final Thesis Register (EZP) as well as in the national Central Thesis Register (CRZP).

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education.

Records of Final Theses (Evidencia záverečných prác - EZP). 

Central Register of Final Theses (Centrálny register záverečných prác - CRZP). 

SP 4.7. Assessment methods and criteria are known in advance and accessible to students, they are included in the different parts/subjects/modules of the programme, and they are suitable for a fair, consistent, transparent verification of acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies.

Self-assessment of compliance

In each course in the civil engineering degree programme, the assessment methods and criteria are known in advance and accessible to students; they are published in the introductory session of the course, are included in the course information sheets for each course and are suitable for fair, consistent, transparent assessment of the knowledge, skills and competences acquired.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (article 9, par. 8)

SP 4.8. The assessment provides students with a reliable feedback on the degree of fulfillment of learning outcomes, where appropriate with advice on learning progression.

Self-assessment of compliance

In the curriculum, assessment provides feedback to students within each course to determine the extent to which learning outcomes are being met. Teachers provide guidance on progression in learning where appropriate. 

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (article 9)

SP 4.9. If circumstances allow, the assessment of students in the study programme is carried out by several teachers.

Self-assessment of compliance

Courses in the curriculum are, where circumstances permit, taught by more than one teacher, who delivers lectures (e.g. elective lectures), tutorials, and especially laboratory exercises where the presence of more than one teacher is required.

Examinations are usually taken by students with the teachers who lectured them on the subject. In justified cases, the programme supervisor, in liaison with the head of the department/department providing the teaching of the subject, may delegate the examination to another teacher from the department or department concerned. In some subjects, students are assessed by more than one teacher, which is declared in the course information sheets of the curriculum. 

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (article 10, par. 7)

SP 4.10. Students can appeal against their assessment results; a fair handling of the appeal is guaranted.

Self-assessment of compliance

Students have the option of pursuing remedies in accordance with Article 10 of Directive No. 209.

The student has the right to request in writing, within one working day of the publication of the final evaluation, a remedy consisting of an explanation of the results of the evaluation. Within 3 working days, the lecturer must make the result of the written examination available to the student, if the university learning platform is used, or set a date for an oral consultation, usually during the student's tutorial period, at which the student is allowed to consult his/her assessed written work.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (article 10)

IV. Self-assessment of Standard 5 – Student admission, progression, recognition, and certification

SP 5.1. The study programme is delivered by pre-defined and easily accessible rules of study at all stages of the study cycle, e.g. student admission, progression and assessment, recognition of education, certification, awarding of a diploma, and other evidence of formal qualifications. The specificities arising from the specific needs of students are taken into account.

Self-assessment of compliance

The rules for all phases of the study grade are publicly available on the faculty's website, and relevant orders and guidelines are issued regularly by the Dean of the Faculty.

References to evidence

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina

Directive No. 206 - Principles and Rules of the Admission Procedure to Study at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education.

Dean's Orders and Methodological Guidelines available at faculty's webpage.

SP 5.2. The study programme specifies the requirements for applicants and the selection process, the requiremennts correspond to the level of the qualifications framework. The admission procedure is reliable, fair, and transparent. The criteria and requirements for applicants are published in advance and easily accessible. The admission procedure is inclusive and ensures equal opportunities for every applicant demonstrating feasibility for completion. The selection process of applicants is based on appropriate methods of assessing their eligibility for the study.

Self-assessment of compliance

Each year, the programme specifies the requirements for applicants and the method of their selection, which correspond to the level of the qualification framework. The admission procedure is fair and transparent. The criteria and requirements for applicants are published in advance and easily accessible on the faculty's website. The admission procedure is inclusive and guarantees equal opportunities to any applicant who demonstrates the necessary qualifications for graduation. Minutes are taken of the meetings of the admissions committee, the selection of applicants is based on appropriate methods of assessing their suitability for study, and the results of the admissions procedure are published for applicants via the university's information system.

All processes are governed by the relevant directives and orders of the Dean.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Directive No. 206 - Principles and Rules of the Admission Procedure to Study at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Dean's Orders and Methodological Guidelines available at faculty's webpage.

Information on the admission procedure at the faculty is available on the faculty's website.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (art. 5).

Directive No. 198 - Support for Applicants for Study and Students with Special Needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 207 - Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 5.3. The rules for the delivery of the study programme regulate and facilitate the recognition of the study and parts of the study by the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region so that domestic and foreign student mobility is promoted.

Self-assessment of compliance

The rules for the implementation of the study programme regulate and allow for the recognition of studies, or parts of studies, in accordance with the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications related to Higher Education in the European Region, in order to promote both domestic and international mobility of students.

Courses taken at the host university shall be recognised by the programme guarantor, in cooperation with the faculty's vice-dean for education or, in the case of courses taken abroad, the vice-dean responsible for international cooperation, on the basis of an application form, which shall include a transcript of the results of the study, to be produced by the host university at the end of the student's studies, as well as information sheets or syllabuses of the courses taken.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (art. 7).

Directive No. 219 - Mobility Programmes of UNIZA Students and Staff Abroad.

Information about possibilities of Study Abroad (FCE) and possibilities of exchange programme Erasmus+(FCE).

SP 5.4. Effective use of tools ensuring scientific integrity, prevention and dealing with plagiarism and other academic fraud is guaranted in the delivery of the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

In the courses of the degree programme, efforts are made to make effective use of tools to ensure research integrity and to prevent and address plagiarism and other academic fraud. The tools and processes applied are in accordance with the relevant UNIZA guidelines.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Directive No. 201 - Disciplinary Regulations for Students of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 207 - Code of Ethics of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 5.5. Students of the study programme have effective mechanisms for examining incentives seeking protection of their rights or legally protected interests, which they believe have been violated. Students can also point to specific deficiencies in the activity or inactivity of the higher education institution. The examination of incentives is transparent and takes place with the participation of student representatives. The complainants are provided with feedback on the results of their examination and the measures taken.

Self-assessment of compliance

Complaints procedures are available to students of the study programme to seek protection of their rights or protected interests which they believe have been violated, or to point out specific deficiencies in the College's actions or inactions.

They submit their complaints through their representatives in the Academic Senat, by directly or in writing contacting the management of the faculty, through the mailbox for student complaints.

The review of complaints is transparent and takes place with the participation of student representatives. Feedback on the outcome of the review of complaints and the actions taken is provided to the complainants directly, in writing, or in a meeting with the representatives of the Faculty's academic community

References to evidence

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (art. 10)

SP 5.6. The successful completion of the study programme is confirmed by the institution by the award of an academic title, by the issuance of a university diploma, and by the issuance of further documentation (diploma supplement) explaining the qualifications obtained. These documents complie with applicable regulations.

Self-assessment of compliance

The successful completion of the study programme is confirmed by the university by awarding the academic degree of Bachelor of Arts, by issuing a diploma, as well as by issuing a supplement to the diploma, which explains the acquired qualification, including the achieved learning outcomes, the context, level and content of the successfully completed study. This documentation shall comply with the relevant regulations in force.

References to evidence

Directive No. 209 - Study Regulations for the 1st and 2nd degree of university study at the University of Žilina in Žilina (art. 7)

The complete documentation is stored at the Dean's Office of the UNIZA

V. Self-assessment Standard 6 – Teaching staff

SP 6.1. The institution has sufficient teaching staff with the required qualification, workload allocation, research/artistic/other activities, practical skills, teaching skills, and transferable competencies that enable them to achieve learning outcomes, and whose language competencies correspond to the language requirements of the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

UNIZA has within the Internal Quality System defined rules for assigning teachers to provide study programmes (Directive No. 205), rules for determining the workload of UNIZA creative staff (Directive No. 212), as well as rules for evaluating the creative activities of staff in relation to the quality assurance of education at UNIZA. The fulfilment of the required level of results of creative activities, pedagogical skills and transferable competences are verified in the selection of teachers in accordance with the principles of the selection procedure for filling the posts of university teachers (Directive No 200) and the criteria for filling the posts of professors and associate professors and the principles for filling the posts of visiting professors (Directive No. 202).

When assigning teachers to the provision of a programme of study, the Board of Studies complies with Directive No. 205 and Directive No. 212, which define the rules for assigning teachers in accordance with the established teaching workload, so as to enable the staff member to carry out teaching and research activities, but also to allow for the further development of his/her professional, linguistic, pedagogical and digital skills and transferable competences, and to carry out other activities.

A comprehensive evaluation of UNIZA's creative staff is carried out annually and evaluated at faculty level, and the Dean of the Faculty subsequently takes measures to maintain the required level of qualification and competence of teachers for the study programme in question.

References to evidence

Directive No. 205 - Rules for Assigning Teachers to the Provision of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 212 - Rules for the Definition of the Workload of Creative Employees of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 200 - Principles of the Selection Procedure for the Employment of University Teachers, Researchers, Positions of Professors and Associate Professors.

Directive No. 202 - Criteria for Filling the Positions of Professors and Associate Professors and the Principles for Filling the Positions of Visiting Professors.

Comprehensive employee evaluation is available from the Internet on the link: e-hodnotenie

SP 6.2. The qualifications of teachers involved in the the study programme are at least one degree higher than the qualifications achieved by its completion. This requirement may be waived in justified cases, such as foreign language tutors, in-service teachers, practitioners, and doctoral candidates.

Self-assessment of compliance

The professional qualification of the teachers providing the study programme is at least one level higher than the qualification achieved by its completion. Teaching, tutorials, laboratory exercises and some subjects of this Bachelor's programme are always provided by teachers with a full second grade university degree. All course guarantors are professors, associate professors or assistant professors with a PhD degree (corresponding titles from the past Dr or. CSc., respectively). Exceptions are activities in cooperation with practice, such as selected lectures from practice, training, interpretation on excursions, etc.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Scientific/artistic -pedagogical characteristics (VUPCH) of teachers providing teaching in study programme.

Directive No. 205 - Rules for Assigning Teachers to the Provision of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 212 - Rules for the Definition of the Workload of Creative Employees of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 6.3. Profile courses are normally provided by staff members in the position of professors or associate professors employed at the university in the relevant field of study or in a related field for fixed weekly working hours. In vocational education programmes, profile study courses are also provided by university teachers who are experienced professionals from the relevant economic or social fields and who work at the university for a fixed weekly or part-time period. From the point of teachers‘age, the sustainability of the teaching staff in profile courses of the programme is guaranted.

Self-assessment of compliance

In the study programme, lectures of profile study subjects are normally provided by university teachers in the function of professor or associate professor, who work at UNIZA in the study field of Civil Engineering or a related field for the established weekly working time. The sustainability of the staffing of the profile subjects of the study programme in terms of the age structure of the teachers is guaranteed by means of an annual evaluation of the qualification growth of individual university teachers with the aim of constant pressure to increase the qualification of the creative staff or to maintain its sustainability. Teachers providing profile subjects are listed in the description of the study programme.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Separated list of UNIZA employees on the Portal of Universities of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

Directive No. 200 - Principles of the Selection Procedure for the Employment of University Teachers, Researchers, Positions of Professors and Associate Professors.

Directive No. 202 - Criteria for Filling the Positions of Professors and Associate Professors and the Principles for Filling the Positions of Visiting Professors.

Directive No. 205 - Rules for Assigning Teachers to the Provision of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 212 - Rules for the Definition of the Workload of Creative Employees of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 6.4. The institution has a designated staff member with the necessary competencies to guarantee responsibility for the delivery, development, and quality assurance of the study programme or an otherwise defined integral part of the study programme according to Art. 6 (7 to 11), and who is also responsible for a profile course. This person is in the position of a professor in the relevant field of study for fixed weekly working hours; in the case of a bachelor's degree programme, he/she works as a professor or as an associate professor in the relevant field of study for fixed weekly working hours. At the same time, this person is not responsible for the delivery, development, and quality assurance of the study programme at another university in the Slovak Republic. The same person may have primary responsibility for the delivery, development, and quality assurance of up to three study programmes. This number does not include cases of concurrence according to Art. 7 (3), letter b) to h) of these standards.

Self-assessment of compliance

A Study Programme Board is designated and appointed for the programme of study.

The main responsible person (guarantor) is Ing. Jaroslav Odrobiňák Jaroslav, PhD., other responsible persons providing profile subjects of the study programme are: prof. Ing. Josef Vičan, CSc., prof. Ing. Libor Ižvolt, PhD., prof. Ing. Moravčík Martin, PhD. and Assoc. prof. Ing. Matúš Kováč, PhD.

The responsible person is in the position of associate professor in the study field of Civil Engineering and works at UNIZA on the established weekly working time. He has the main responsibility for the implementation of 2 study programmes at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA in the 1st grade of studies (one in English) and does not have the main responsibility for the implementation of the development and quality assurance of the study programme at another university.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Internal Quality Qssessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Separated list of UNIZA employees on the Poratl of Universities of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

Directive No. 214 - Structures of the Internal Quality Assurance System for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina. 

SP 6.5. The staff supervising final theses are active in research/artistic/other activities or in a professional practice at the level corresponding to the degree of the study programme in the field of professional and thematic scope of the supevised theses. Dissertation supervisors are staff members in the position of professor or associate professor or in another similar position in a contracted research institution cooperating with a higher education institution in the delivery of a third-degree study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

In the study programme it is ensured that the final theses are supervised by teachers who carry out active creative activity at a level corresponding to the bachelor's degree, mostly to the degree of the engineering study programme, in the issues of professional and thematic focus of the thesis supervised. The persons supervising theses, whether in the 1st or 2nd grade of studies, are approved by the study programme supervisor and appointed by the head of the department.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study plans of the study programme and Information sheets of subjects.

Scientific/artistic -pedagogical characteristics (VUPCH) of teachers providing teaching in study programme.

Records of Final Theses (Evidencia záverečných prác - EZP). 

Central Register of Final Theses (Centrálny register záverečných prác - CRZP). 

SP 6.6. The teaching staff develop their professional, language, pedagogical, digital skills, and transferable competencies.

Self-assessment of compliance

Teachers on the programme develop their professional, linguistic, pedagogical, digital skills and transferable competences. Teachers regularly update their VUPCH and their professional, pedagogical and digital skills are verified annually through the Comprehensive Evaluation of UNIZA Staff. Based on the evaluation of the Comprehensive Evaluation of Staff, the Dean of the Faculty and the Heads of the various Departments take appropriate measures to upgrade the qualifications and develop the skills and abilities of these staff members in accordance with Directives 205, 212 and 220, and their personal increment is also reviewed.

References to evidence

Scientific/artistic -pedagogical characteristics (VUPCH) of teachers providing teaching in study programme.

Comprehensive employee evaluation is available from the Internet on the link: e-hodnotenie

Directive No. 205 - Rules for Assigning Teachers to the Provision of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 212 - Rules for the Definition of the Workload of Creative Employees of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 220 - Evaluation of the Creative Activity of Employees in Relation to Quality Assurance of Education at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 6.7. In the case of teaching combination study programmes, the institution enagages teachers according to Art.6 (1 to 6) of the Study Programme Standards, separately for each specialization of the combination in comliance with the relevance of the subjects to the field of study, and separately for pedagogical foundations.

Self-assessment of compliance

Not related to this SP.

References to evidence


SP 6.8. In the case of translation combination study programmes, the institution engages teachers according to Art.6 (1 to 6) of the Study Programme Standards, separately for each specialization of the combination, in comliance with the language relevance, and separately for translation studies foundations.

Self-assessment of compliance

Not related to this SP.

References to evidence


SP 6.9. In the case of programmes combining two fields of study or two first-degree study programmes delivered as interdisciplinary studies, the institution engages teachers according to to Art.6 (1 to 6) of the Study Programme Standards for each field of study in which its graduates receive a higher education degree.

Self-assessment of compliance

Not related to this SP.

References to evidence


SP 6.10. In the case of joint study programmes, the institution engages teachers according to to Art.6 (1 to 6) of the Study Programme Standards for that part of the study programme that the institution provides.

Self-assessment of compliance

Not related to this SP.

References to evidence


SP 6.11. In the case the institution delivers study programmes in a given field of study at several faculties or at several addresses, the institution enages teachers according to Art.6 (1 to 6) of the Study Programme Standards, separately for each faculty and separately for each address where the study programme is delivered as a whole.

Self-assessment of compliance

UNIZA provides the study programme only at the seat of the University and only at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA.

References to evidence

Directive No. 217 - Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

VI. Self-assessment Standard 7 – Research/artistic/other activities of higher education institution

SP 7.1. Teachers providing profile courses within a study programme demonstrate outcome of their research/technological development/artistic activities in the relevant field(s) of study in which the study programme is delivered at the required level, depending on its degree: a) at least at internationally significant level in the case of a third-degree programme; b) at least at internationally recognized level, in the case of a second-degree programme or a programme combining the first and second degree; c) at least at nationally recognized level in the case of a first-degree.

Self-assessment of compliance

Teachers providing profile subjects of the study programme demonstrate the results of creative activity in the field of study Civil Engineering at the required level for the Bachelor's degree, i.e. at least at the nationally recognised level, but in the vast majority it is at the internationally recognised level. The responsible group of HE teachers on the Board of the degree programme reaches a significant international level.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Scientific/artistic -pedagogical characteristics (VUPCH) of teachers providing teaching in study programme.

Directive No. 220 - Evaluation of the Creative Activity of Employees in Relation to Quality Assurance of Education at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 205 - Rules for Assigning Teachers to the Provision of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 7.2. The institution’s outcomes of research/artistic/other activities is demonstrated through the most important outcomes of the teachers in charge of the profile courses of the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

References to evidence

SP 7.3. In case the institution delivers several study programmes in a given field of study, it demonstrates the outcome of their research/artistic/other activities according to Art.7 (1 to2) of the Study Programme Standards, separately for each study programme, except for concurrence with cases under Art. 7 (3).

Self-assessment of compliance

FCE UNIZA conducts several study programmes in the field of study "Civil Engineering" and demonstrates the level of results of creative activity according to Article 7, paragraphs 1 and 2 of the standards for the study programme separately for each study programme, except for the concurrence with the cases according to Article 7, paragraph 3. 

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Scientific/artistic -pedagogical characteristics (VUPCH) of teachers providing teaching in study programme.

Creative outputs (VTC) of teachers providing the study programme in the field of study in Civil Engineering.

Directive No. 220 - Evaluation of the Creative Activity of Employees in Relation to Quality Assurance of Education at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 205 - Rules for Assigning Teachers to the Provision of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 7.4. In case the institution delivers several study programmes in a given field of study at different addresses, it ensures the demonstration of the oucomes of their research/artistic/other activities for each address separately.

Self-assessment of compliance

The Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA conducts several study programmes in the field of study "Civil Engineering" only at the seat of UNIZA.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme in the field of study Civil Engineering

SP 7.5. In case of a third-degree study programme delivery, the institution demonstrates long-term continuous research or artistic activity in the field of the study programme. The workplace has to show the existence of long-term and continous success in recieving financial grants for research or artistic projects, and the existence of follow-up or new projects from domestic and international grant schemes or other sources.

Self-assessment of compliance

It is not related to the SP - this study programme is carried out in the 1st grade of study.

References to evidence


SP 7.6. The compliance with the requirement according to Art.7 (5) of the Study Programme Standards may be replaced by the insititution undergoing a periodic review of research, artistic, and other activities in each field of research every six years, and if it has been, on the grounds of the latest assessment, granted to use the label “research university.“

Self-assessment of compliance

Not related to this study programme.

References to evidence


VII. Self-assessment of Standard 8 – Learning resources and student support

SP 8.1. The institution has sufficient spatial, material, technical, and information resources for the study programme which ensure the achievement of learning objectives and learning outcomes. These include: lecture halls, classrooms, study rooms, laboratories, and laboratory equipment and other necessary equipment, technical facilities and equipment, studios, workshops, design and art studios, interpreting booths, clinics, priests‘ seminars, science and technology parks, technology incubators, school enterprises, practice centres, training schools, training classrooms, sports halls, swimming pools, sports grounds, libraries, access to study literature, information databases and other information sources, information technology, external services, and their corresponding funding.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme is provided with sufficient spatial, material, technical and information resources of the study programme, which are a guarantee for the achievement of the set objectives and learning outcomes. The spatial (classrooms), material, technical (instrumentation and laboratory equipment) and information resources are described in more detail in the description of the study programme. Resources at UNIZA are comprehensively described and documented in Directive No. 217. Information resources and their collection are part of Directive No. 218.

The Faculty of Civil Engineering has laboratory facilities with appropriate equipment. An overview of these is compiled into a virtual tour of the laboratories of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. In particular, the laboratories and laboratory classrooms assigned to the following departments are relevant to the study programme in question: the Department of Building Structures and Bridges, the Department of Road and Environmental Engineering, the Department of Railway Engineering and Track Management, the Department of Geotechnics and the Department of Structural Mechanics and Applied Mathematics.

Required and recommended readings (listed in the Course Information Sheet of the relevant course) are available from the University Library, either directly or through its sub-libraries in the relevant Departments, depending on the type and form of the literature and study materials. Most of the newer titles published by UNIZA are also available from the University Press EDIS outlet. Another frequently used form is the provision of study materials through the educational platform LMS Moodle, MS-Teams, or by e-mail.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Virtual tour of the Faculty of Civil Engineering UNIZA.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education 

University library .

Shop of the University Publisher EDIS.

Directive No. 217 - Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

SP 8.2. In case educational activities are provided by distance or combined methods, the institution has systems for the management of course content and the management of such education; students are guaranted access to the course content and other study materials.

Self-assessment of compliance

The focus of distance education and study control at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA is e-education, the teaching part of which is based on LMS Moodle. The organisation of courses is based on guided learning with the support of information and communication technologies in close connection with AIVS. E-education has been used at the University since the academic year 2004/2005.

MS Teams is mainly used for online lectures and tutorials and tutorials are available from the University's ICT Centre.

References to evidence


Manuals for distance learning throught MS Teams: Information and Teams

SP 8.3. The institution has professional support staff whose competencies and numbers meet the needs of students and teachers and which are related to learning objectives and learning outcomes.

Self-assessment of compliance

At the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA and within UNIZA there is a support professional staff, which in terms of competence and number corresponds to the needs of students and teachers of the study programme in relation to the educational objectives and outcomes. Students have access to their study advisors, communicate with the Education Department, and have the possibility of tutorials within each subject.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Dean's Orders and Methodological Guidelines available at faculty's webpage.

Education Department of FCE UNIZA..

Information on Study Abroad (FCE) and Erasmus+ (FCE) schemes

SP 8.4. The institution maintains binding partnerships that enable elevant stakeholders to participate in a quality assurance, delivery and development of the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

At the level of the University, faculties and other structures of the University of Žilina, partnerships are established with domestic and foreign universities, faculties, scientific research institutions, regional and national state and private institutions, as well as with the business sector. These partnerships greatly assist in quality assurance and curriculum development. The information is provided in the annual reports of UNIZA and the UNIZA Faculty of Civil Engineering respectively. Practitioners are also members of the state examination boards.

Partnerships with practice are governed by the rules and principles of Directive No. 221.

References to evidence

Annual reports on the activities of faculty available on official website of the faculty.

Annual reports on the activities of the university available on official website of the university.

List of Partners of FCE UNIZA.

List of Co-operators of UNIZA.

Directive No. 221 - Cooperation of the University of Žilina in Žilina with External Partners from Practice.

SP 8.5. The institution has sufficient teaching staff, spatial, material, technical and information resources for the study programme, separately for each address at which the study programme or part thereof is to be delivered, and in proportion to the learning objectives and outcomes of a given part of the programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

The study programme is carried out in a single seat at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA in Žilina - directly in the main campus, where it has sufficient personnel, space, material, technical and informational resources.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Information brochures about study at FCE UNIZA.

SP 8.6. The institution responds effectively to the diversity of students‘ needs and interests. It provides students with support for a successful study progression and with a career guidance.

Self-assessment of compliance

The University of Žilina has established a modern UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre with comprehensive services to ensure that students have easy access to counselling and other support services that meet their diverse needs. Its mission is to help students not only to master their studies, but to prepare them to enter the labour market, to foster their relationship with the university and to create a link between academia and employers.

FCE and UNIZA responds effectively to the diversity of needs and interests of the students of the study programme. Students are also supported to successfully progress in their studies through professional excursions, selected practical lectures, internships, mobility and internships abroad.

In terms of deepening knowledge, students have access to the extensive information and library resources of the University Library of UNIZA (UK UNIZA). For more specific knowledge with regard to students' fields of study, sub-libraries managed by the departments under the leadership of UK UNIZA are at their disposal.

The publication of literature for UNIZA students and staff is provided by EDIS - University Publisher. For the needs of students completing their studies at UNIZA, EDIS provides printing and publishing of final theses in accordance with their uniform design approved by the UNIZA management.

Students have the possibility to contact study advisors, administrative problems in their studies are communicated with the Education Department at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA. They have at their disposal the newly built and modern UNIZA Counselling and Career Centre.

References to evidence

Education Department of FCE UNIZA..

Counselling and Career Centre of UNIZA.

University Library

University Publisher EDIS.

Information on Study Abroad (FCE) and Erasmus+ (FCE) schemes. 

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

You can set the basics of your career with us - website:

SP 8.7. The instituiton provides students with appropriate social security, sport, cultural, spiritual and social activities during their studies.

Self-assessment of compliance

Students of the study programme are provided with adequate social security, sports, cultural, spiritual and social activities during their studies at UNIZA. Students are informed about sporting, cultural, social and spiritual events organised by the University via the University and/or Faculty website.

The specific opportunities for student provision are described in Article 18 of Directive No. 217, in the description of the study programme, and are also published on the pages of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and UNIZA in the "Student Life" section.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Student life - partition of the web of the university.

Directive No. 217 - Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

SP 8.8. Students are granted support and access to domestic and foreign mobility, and to internships.

Self-assessment of compliance

UNIZA supports the mobility of its students and staff all over the world, in all available grant programmes and in all programmes and disciplines developed and offered in its faculties and institutes, as well as in similar study programmes.

At University level, Directive No. 219 defines the processes, procedures and structures.

At faculty level, these activities are in the portfolio of the Vice Dean for Development and International Relations and the Officer for International Studies and International Mobility, including Erasmus+.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Study Abroad and Erasmus+ - information from the university level.

Information on Study Abroad (FCE) and Erasmus+ (FCE) schemes. 

Directive No. 219 - Mobility Programmes of UNIZA Students and Staff Abroad. 

SP 8.9. The institution provides individualized support and suitable conditions for special needs students.

Self-assessment of compliance

In accordance with §100 of the Higher Education Act, UNIZA creates a generally accessible academic environment and appropriate study conditions for applicants for study and students with specific needs without reducing the requirements for their study performance. The University provides support services in particular in the form of the possibility of using specific educational resources, individual educational approaches, determination of special conditions for the performance of study duties (without reducing the requirements for study performance), individual approach of teachers, remission of tuition fees in justified cases in the case of exceeding the standard length of study due to specific needs. A coordinator for students with specific needs works at the UNIZA, with whom these students can communicate their problems. The principles and rules for working with students from disadvantaged backgrounds as described in Directive No. 198 have been respected in the design of the modification of the SP.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Web link: I am a student with special needs.

Information for students: Study of students with specific needs at the University of Žilina.

Directive No. 198 - Support for Applicants for Study and Students with Special Needs at the University of Žilina in Žilina

SP 8.10. In professionally oriented study programmes, the programme has contractual partners in the form of organizations providing professional practice and practical training for students. These organizations have sufficient spatial, material, technological conditions, and staff so that the planned learning outcomes can be achieved.

Self-assessment of compliance

It is not related to SP.

References to evidence


VIII. Self-assessment of the Standard 9 – Information management

SP 9.1. The institution collects, analyzes, and makes use of relevant information for the effective management of their programmes and other activities.

Self-assessment of compliance

UNIZA collects, analyses and uses relevant information for effective management of study programmes and other activities. The collection and analysis of data and information is governed by Directive No. 218. The procedures and principles described in Directive No. 223 shall apply to the monitoring and peridic evaluation of the SP.

The FCE collects data to monitor both quantitative and qualitative indicators of the quality of the study programme through:

  1. Data collection from information systems for the collection and processing of educational information at UNIZA (AIVS, IS Admissions, PowerBI, IS Sofia - SAP HR ...),
  2. direct measurement describing student performance, providing direct evidence of the teaching and learning process. Direct evidence is the output of learning - passing tests and exams, progress mapping - scores (number of points) before and after measurement (testing), performance assessment in relation to the subject of study (presentations, discussions...), assessment of final/dissertation papers, etc.);
  3. indirect measurement capturing stakeholders' perceptions of education, experiences with education, satisfaction levels, attitudes, linking learning outcomes and practice needs (student surveys including questionnaires assessing subjects of study, focus groups, surveys of university teachers, graduates and employers, external review processes).

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Directive No. 223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes.

SP 9.2. Effective collection and analysis of information about study programmes and other activities play a role in the evaluation of the study programme, in its design or in its modification.

Self-assessment of compliance

Effective management of the quality of education and creative activities is ensured by collecting information from the internal and external environment. This information integrates knowledge of labour market needs, legislative constraints, the capacity of the university and the latest knowledge in the fields of study.

Taking into account the information obtained about the study programme, which enters into the processes of evaluation of the SP and the proposal of its modifications, the procedure is carried out in accordance with Directives No. 223 and No. 218. Information about the study programme from the internal and external environment is published annually in the annual report of the UNIZA Faculty of Civil Engineering, as well as presented at the management-academic community meeting. The data serve as a basis for the Study Programme Board to propose modifications to the study programme and to update it.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme. 

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

Directive No. 223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes.

Annual reports on the activities of faculty available on official website of the faculty

SP 9.3. The following are monitored and assessed in a study programme: indicators of teaching and learning performace, applicants’ and students‘ profiles, students‘ progression, success and drop-out rates, students’ satisfaction, graduates‘ employability, opinions of students and employers, information about learning resources and support available to students.

Self-assessment of compliance

The key indicators of the SP are collected through a regular anonymous questionnaire addressed to final year students at all levels of education. It is used to map the entire study programme. The information is collected from a general set of questions consisting of the following items and themes:

  1. Learning content (fulfilment of the stated learning outcomes of the SP, interrelatedness of courses, identification of possible duplications...);
  2. Organisation of learning (workload, involvement in the life of the faculty, dealing with professional tasks in the faculty/department/workplace, degree of internationalisation, internships and compulsory placements...);
  3. Access to counselling and other services during studies;
  4. Guidance and support in the process of preparing the Bachelor's thesis.
  5. For graduates, key indicators are collected using anonymous questionnaires mapping the effect and impact of the undergraduate education undertaken at the relevant degree level. The anonymous questionnaire is addressed to all graduates who have completed their studies in the SP in the last three years.

The general set of questions consists of items arranged in the following minimum themes:

  1. Sphere of validity;
  2. Transition to employment;
  3. Relevance of study in relation to employment, subject composition, comparison of knowledge, skills and competences acquired by study and required by practice;
  4. The need for further education.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

Directive No. 223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes.


SP 9.4. Appropriate tools and methods are used to collect and process information on the study programme. Students, teachers, employers, and other stakeholders are involved in the collection, analysis, and in the follow-up measures in the study programme.

Self-assessment of compliance

 For the collection and processing of information about the study programme, questionnaire methods of surveys, personal interviews, electronic data from UNIZA information systems are mostly used. Students, teachers, employers and other stakeholders of the study programme are involved in the collection, analysis and follow-up of information on measures through membership in the Study Programme Board. The information is also presented at meetings with the academic community of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Council and at the Faculty of Civil Engineering Acadamic Senate.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

Directive No. 223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes.


IX. Self-assessment of Standard 10 – Public information

SP 10.1. Institutions provide readily accessible and clearly structured information about the study programme, mainly about their intended learning objectives and learning outcomes, requirements for applicants, selection criteria, recommended personality requirements, the level of the national qualifications framework, the field of study, the qualification they award, teaching and learning rules, the programme‘s completion conditions, assessment procedures and criteria, programme resources, pass rates, learning opportunities available to students, information about jobs available to succesful graduates and graduate‘s employability.

Self-assessment of compliance

The minimum scope of information on the study programme is set out in Decree No.614/2002 of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic on the credit system of study and includes: identification of the faculty, the level of education attained, the professions indicated for the study programme, the objectives and outcomes of education, a list of profile and elective courses with information sheets, possible specialisations (trajectories) of learning, tuition fees and fees associated with the study programme.

The Faculty has published, easily accessible and clearly structured information on the study programme, its learning objectives and outcomes, requirements for applicants, the method of selection and recommended personal qualifications, the level of the National Qualifications Framework, the field of study, the academic degree awarded, teaching and learning rules, conditions of graduation, assessment procedures and criteria, programme resources, success rates, learning opportunities for students, as well as information on the professions that successful graduates can pursue and on the employability of graduates of the programme. This information is available in the UNIZA Information System, information sheets of the SP courses, study plans, in the "Student" system, in the information on study opportunities at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of UNIZA, in the orders of the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, etc.

The processes and procedures for processing and publishing information are set out in Directives 217 and 218.

References to evidence

Website of FCE UNIZA.

Admission procedure of FCE

UNIZA admission procedures

Freshman's guide

Information brochure about study on FCE

Information leaflets of FCE

You can set the basics of your career with us - website:

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Dean's Orders and Resolutions.

Directive No. 217 - Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

SP 10.2. This information is easily accessible students, their supporters, prospective students, graduates, other stakeholders, and to the public in all the languages in which the study programme is delivered. The form the information is available considers special needs applicants and students.

Self-assessment of compliance

The University of Žilina makes available to the general public all relevant information about study programmes in the information system on its www portals, in information brochures and leaflets. Relevant information is also available in English. 

References to evidence

Website of FCE UNIZA.

Admission procedure of FCE

UNIZA admission procedures

Freshman's guide

Information brochure about study on FCE

You can set the basics of your career with us - website:

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Dean's Orders and Resolutions.

Directive No. 217 - Resources to Support Educational, Creative and Other Related Activities of the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

X. Self-assessment of Standard 11 – Ongoing monitoring and periodic review of study programmes

SP 11.1. The institution regularly monitors, reviews, and appropriately modifies the study programme in order to comply with the Study Programme Standards so that the learning objectives and learning outcomes are in line with the needs of students, employers and other stakeholders, and in line with the latest knowledge in the field of study and the technological possibilities, so that the graduate level, by means of achieved learning outcomes, is in line with the required level of National Qualifications Framework and the stakeholders' expectations.

Self-assessment of compliance

The University or its components shall regularly monitor all study-related processes at least once a year. Before the beginning of the academic year, the University or its components shall prepare the offer of offered courses for the following academic year on the basis of the approved modifications of the study programme by the UNIZA Accreditation Board, add new courses to the offer of the study programme if necessary, ensure the updating of the course information sheets. As a rule, after the end of the academic year, the evaluation of the admission procedure, statistical indicators according to the indicators defined in the UNIZA Long-Term Plan, evaluation of the quality of teaching in the previous academic year are monitored.

Monitoring capturing the perception of education by stakeholders is mainly carried out through questionnaires. They consist of two groups of items - common items common to all faculties and institutes related to the objective of the survey and specific items mapping other unique needs of UNIZA faculties and institutes

The processes, procedures and principles for monitoring, collecting and evaluating the curriculum are guided by the principles and rules defined by Directive No. 218 and Directive No. 223.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

Directive No. 223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes.

SP 11.2. The monitoring and reviewing of the study programme include obtaining relevant feedback from the programme stakeholders, who also participate in the preparation of the feedback methodology. Students have, at least once a year, the opportunity to comment on the quality of teaching and the teachers of the study programme in an anonymous questionnaire.

Self-assessment of compliance

The University evaluates, through its structures, questionnaire surveys in which current students or alumni participate and have the opportunity to anonymously comment once a year on the course of the study programme.

The questionnaire surveys are available to students directly in e-learning.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Academic Information and Education System (AIVS) - web application Education.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

Directive No. 223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes.

SP 11.3. The feedback results referred to in paragraph 2 are reflected in improvement measures. Students are guaranted a role in the design of the measures.

Self-assessment of compliance

The results of the assessment are published for the management of the faculty or unit providing the relevant programme of study. Once published, they are the basis for evaluating the course of education and creative activity, forms and ways of addressing themes and suggestions arising from the evaluation process. The results of the evaluation of feedback and actions are incorporated in the Faculty's annual reports for the relevant period.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Annual reports on the activities of faculty available on official website of the faculty.

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes.

SP 11.4. The feedback results and the measures taken, and any planned or follow-up activities resulting from the evaluation of the study programme should be discussed with the stakeholders and interested parties and are accesible to the public.

Self-assessment of compliance

The University, faculties and other units publish for applicants, students, employees, graduates and employers on their official boards: internal regulations, annual reports, results of the evaluation of the quality of the educational process, information on study opportunities and other documents.

The line managers address any problems with the staff concerned, followed by meetings at faculty management level with students and teachers. Feedback is also discussed within the Dean's Colleges, departmental meetings, at the Academic Senat of FCE, at meetings with the academic community, at meetings of the Study Program Board, and possibly at the level of the Board of Guarantors.

References to evidence

Description of the study programme.

Annual reports on the activities of faculty available on official website of the faculty.

Questionnaires for students and graduates within Internal Quality Assessment System at Civil Engineering Faculty.

Directive No. 218 – On the Collection, Processing, Analysis and Evaluation of Information to Support the Management of Study Programmes. 

SP 11.5. The study programme is periodically approved in compliance with the formalized processes of the internal system at a period corresponding to its standard length of study.

Self-assessment of compliance

The creation of a new study programme and its approval consists of several stages, and these stages include the development of the initiative for the creation of a new study programme, the intention to create a new study programme, the proposal for a new study programme.

The processes of curriculum development and approval are subject to the rules defined in the relevant guidelines. 

References to evidence

Directive No. 204 - Rules for the Creation, Modification, Approval and Cancellation of Study Programmes at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 222 - Internal Quality Assurance System at the University of Žilina in Žilina.

Directive No. 223 - Monitoring and Periodic Review of the Study Programmes.